Whatsapp Tak Boleh Dipercayai – Elon Musk
CALIFORNIA, 11 Mei 2023 – Elon Musk menyelar aplikasi WhatsApp Messenger milik Meta dengan mengatakan aplikasi itu tidak boleh dipercayai.
Pemilik Twitter itu berkata demikian bagi menjawab tweet seorang pengarah kejuruteraan syarikat media sosial, Foad Dabiri.
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“WhatsApp has been using the microphone in the background, while I was asleep and since I woke up at 6AM (and that’s just a part of the timeline!) What’s going on?” kata Dabiri dengan mengepilkan tangkap layar penggunaan mikrofon milik telefon bimbitnya, Pixel 7 Pro.
Musk pada mulanya menjawab bahawa ia ‘pelik’ tetapi menciap semula tweet Dabiri itu dua hari kemudian.
WhatsApp cannot be trusted https://t.co/3gdNxZOLLy
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2023
“WhatsApp cannot be trusted,” kata Musk.
WhatsApp cannot be trusted https://t.co/3gdNxZOLLy
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2023
WhatsApp tidak membalas Musk secara langsung, tetapi membalas Dabiri di Twitter.
“Over the last 24 hours we’ve been in touch with a Twitter engineer who posted an issue with his Pixel phone and WhatsApp.”
“We believe this is a bug on Android that mis-attributes information in their Privacy Dashboard and have asked Google to investigate and remediate,” balas Whatsapp.
Over the last 24 hours we’ve been in touch with a Twitter engineer who posted an issue with his Pixel phone and WhatsApp.
We believe this is a bug on Android that mis-attributes information in their Privacy Dashboard and have asked Google to investigate and remediate. https://t.co/MnBi3qE6Gp
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) May 9, 2023
“Users have full control over their mic settings.”
“Once granted permission, WhatsApp only accesses the mic when a user is making a call or recording a voice note or video – and even then, these communications are protected by end-to-end encryption so WhatsApp cannot hear them,” tambah WhatsApp lagi.
Dalam masa yang sama, Google masih tidak memberi sebarang jawapan balas dalam masalah ini.