Tentera Israel Ceroboh Masuk 6 Pejabat Pertubuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Palestin
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RAMALLAH, 18 Ogos 2022 – Tentera penjajah Israel menceroboh masuk enam ibu pejabat pertubuhan hak asasi manusia Palestin awal pagi tadi.
Satu ciapan Twitter telah dimuat naik Kesatuan Jawatankuasa Kerja Pertanian (UAWC) mengatakan, “Tentera pendudukan Israel menyerbu pejabat UAWC awal pagi ini 18 Ogos, serta pejabat #6organisasi lain.”
BREAKING 🚨 The Israeli occupation forces raided UAWC’s office early this morning 18th of August, as well as the offices of the other #6organizations. They destroyed office equipment, confiscated materials and left a closing order behind. pic.twitter.com/hVaHrRIaKS
— Union of Agricultural Work Committees (@UAWC1986) August 18, 2022
Menerusi ciapan tersebut, dimaklumkan bahawa tentera Israel telah memusnahkan peralatan pejabat, merampas bahan dan fail serta meninggalkan notis perintah agar organisasi ditutup.
BREAKING The Israeli occupation forces raided UAWC’s office early this morning 18th of August, as well as the offices of the other #6organizations. They destroyed office equipment, confiscated materials and left a closing order behind. pic.twitter.com/hVaHrRIaKS
— Union of Agricultural Work Committees (@UAWC1986) August 18, 2022
Pintu pejabat enam organisasi berkenaan turut ditutup dengan besi dan diisytiharkan sebagai organisasi yang melanggar undang-undang.
Pertubuhan Addameer pula memuat naik ciapan memaparkan notis yang ditinggalkan tentera Israel. Mereka telah mengisytiharkan bahawa Addameer ditutup secara paksa bagi menjaga keselamatan dan memerangi infrastruktur keganasan.
These military orders were left taped to our doors after the military raid on our offices. They declare Addameer forcibly closed in the name of “security in the region, & to combat the infrastructure of terrorism.” This is an astonishing attack on our needed human rights work. pic.twitter.com/VW7Cc97Vhx
— Addameer –الضمير (@Addameer) August 18, 2022
These military orders were left taped to our doors after the military raid on our offices. They declare Addameer forcibly closed in the name of “security in the region, & to combat the infrastructure of terrorism.” This is an astonishing attack on our needed human rights work. pic.twitter.com/VW7Cc97Vhx
— Addameer –الضمير (@Addameer) August 18, 2022
Susulan kejadian itu, #StandWithThe6 telah tular di laman Twitter mendedahkan organisasi-organisasi yang diceroboh tentera penjajah Israel iaitu UAWC, Al-Haq, Addameer, Pusat Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Bisan, Kesatuan Jawatankuasa Wanita Palestin (UPWC) dan Pertubuhan Pertahanan Kanak-Kanak Palestin (DCIP).
Enam organisasi yang diceroboh menuntut agar masyarakat antarabangsa mengambil tindakan serius terhadap perbuatan tentera Israel yang melampau.
Tegas mereka, “Melindungi kerja hak asasi manusia di Palestin adalah satu keperluan, untuk mempertahankan dan mengekalkan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang bebas dan kedaulatan undang-undang!”
Sebuah sidang akhbar akan dianjurkan oleh enam organisasi tersebut mengenai serbuan dan notis penutupan yang dibuat Pasukan Pendudukan Israel (IOF) pada 12pm waktu Palestin.
The six designated organsiations will be hosting a joint press conference at 12 pm at Al-Haq’s main office, on the IOF’s forcible raids and closures this morning. #StandWithThe6 pic.twitter.com/l2ID2UD8Pp
— Bisan Center for Research & Development (@BisanResearch) August 18, 2022
The six designated organsiations will be hosting a joint press conference at 12 pm at Al-Haq’s main office, on the IOF’s forcible raids and closures this morning. #StandWithThe6 pic.twitter.com/l2ID2UD8Pp
— Bisan Center for Research & Development (@BisanResearch) August 18, 2022